Flexible working hours? Pros, cons and thoughts

Flexible working hours is an increasing trend among companies around the world and there are a number of benefits to this, for the employees as well as the company.

  • Employees can customize the day after their own productivity. Since research shows that there is an individual difference in what time of the day you are most effective, flexible working hours are likely to result in higher performance and efficiency.
  • Work life balance might be easier to achieve if you can plan your day individually. For example, working out in the morning, leaving earlier to run errands or combining work with family life. Being able to manage your own time as an employee can potentially reduce a lot of the daily life stress.
  • A lot of studies shows that flexible working hours increases the general well-being of employees. Happy employees are more likely to produce a higher productivity and reduced employee turnover, which is a win for the company. Satisfied employees will make the company a more attractive employer.
  • Potential disadvantages may be that the staff isn’t at the office at the same time, which can complicate team-work, communication and slow down the efficiency. There is of course also a risk that employees don’t work as many hours as they are supposed to. However, I think that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and that we will see more of this in the future.

What are your thoughts?


Stockholm 2019-11-21

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