Tips and Tricks in the recruitment process – for the customer

  • Have the clearest possible picture of the hiring role before starting the recruiting process and then try to stick with the job description approved. It makes the recruiters search and interviews more precise and in the end provides you with better candidates.
  • Be proactive! Start the process as soon as you know someone is leaving a position to prevent a stressful recruitment process. A normal process takes 6-8 weeks to complete.
  • Provide the candidates with as much information as possible about the role before the interview for a deeper understanding and dialogue during interview.
  • Bring 100% to every interview. Every candidate is special and should experience the same quality. Keep in mind you are also selling your brand to potential candidates.
  • Update candidates you have met along the way (through the recruiter or directly). Do not leave candidates hanging for weeks. You might end up losing the candidate on the way and/or leaving them with a bad first impression of you and your company. You never know when and where you meet next time.
  • Be as transparent and honest as possible!


Stockholm 2019-04-04

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